Sheriff's Office
Corey Bristol
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 309
Stanley, ND 58784-0309
Physical Address:
101 Main Street N
Stanley, ND 58784

P: 701-628-2975
F: 701-628-3975

24/7 Program
Concealed Weapons License Information
Sex Offender Registration
Mountrail County Tip 411

Office Hours:

Monday- Friday

8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. 


Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.


  • Tow bill + $100 Impound Fee + $15 per day for storage (excluding weekends and holidays)

When picking up an impounded vehicle:

  • Must be the registered owner
  • Proof of insurance
  • All fees to be paid in cash only
  • The driver of the vehicle must have a valid driver's license 

Services Offered by the Mountrail County Sheriff's Office:

Passport photos

  • $5.00, cash only for 2 photos.

Civil Process Service

  • Mileage fee of $1 per mile $5 minimum
  • Civil process fee of $30
  • Civil papers may be mailed to the Sheriff's Office or emailed. If papers are emailed, a copy fee of $2 per page will be added to the invoice. 

Report Copies

  • Electronic copies are free, printed copies are $.25 per page


  • $15, cash only, set of two ink rolled cards will be provided

Crash Report Copies

Please contact the Mountrail County Correctional Center for information regarding inmates at 701-628-8900.