Human Resources

Make Mountrail County a safe place to work!
Report all incidents so corrections can be made.



Injured on the job?

If you DO NOT REQUIRE MEDICAL TREATMENT, complete the Incident Report ASAP and forward to your supervisor or department head. 

If you DO REQUIRE MEDICAL TREATMENT, and it is not an emergency, complete Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the paper version of the First Report of Injury (FROI). Forward the orignal to your supervisor/department head, making a copy of the FROI to take with you to the doctor's office.

Following each and every doctor's visit, you are required to provide a completed Capability Assessment Form (C3) to your supervisor. The C3 informs us of any limitations, follow up appointments, etc. 

Within four business days following the accident, the supervisor/department head needs to complete an Accident Investment/Root Cause AnalysisThis form only needs to be completed when the injured employee seeks medical attention. It must be completed online but be sure to provide a printed copy to HR.

IMPORTANT! If an employee is involved in a motor vehicle accident using a County vehicle, or if using a personal vehicle driving for County business, a post-accident drug/alcohol test must be performed immediately. Under no circumstance should an employee provide their own transportation to the testing site!


Our Designated Medical Provider is Mountrail County Medical Center. If you wish to add a provider(s) to seek treatment from in the event of workplace injury or illness, please contact HR at 701-628-8980 or email